4 Things You Need to Know Before Getting a Dog
If you’re an animal lover in Singapore who wants nothing more than to have a new furry friend, and you’ve most likely spent countless hours trying to convince your parents why you should get one.
However, there are a few things that you need to know before getting one:

- Dogs take much more time and energy to raise than cats
They’re also much more social and need more stimulation in their everyday experience, and the lack of this can put your dog in a rather mood. They need regular walks outside, and they also need toys for their teeth to chew on if they happen to be growing puppies.
Dog years are much shorterthan human years, so be sure to give them love and attention as much as youcan.

- Much like people, they also need their teeth brushed
Dental health is criminally underrated when it comes to caring for your pets, which is why you should also brush your dog’s teeth regularly using a special brush and toothpaste. Taking your dog to the vet and scheduling an appointment for a regular check-up can also just as easily avoid problems later on.
You should also get Fido’snails trimmed so they don’t break, snag, or affect his gait and make itdifficult for him to walk. If your pet dog doesn’t like having their pawshandled, a short visit to the vet can make things a lot easier.

- Dogs do not like being chained up in a corner and left alone
Many dog owners often tie their dogs to a corner when they need to go somewhere and leave them alone, and may not seem like a dangerous thing to do to your pet at first. However, this turns out to be both dangerous and cruel as a practice.
The reason for this is because dogs are naturally territorial and aggressive, and this instinct switches on when they are confined to a small space. Tying them also increases the chance of them potentially getting strangled or choking on the leash, and can even make them sitting targets for the weather, other animals, or other external factors.
- Canine fur can be a source of allergy for some people
Whether you’re planning on getting a dog with long fur that you need to brush and trim, or a short-haired dog that doesn’t need too much hair, you should check to make sure that you’re not allergic beforehand.
You should also be prepared for your home being covered in dog fur when you decide to adopt a new furry friend. Dog fur, like dust, can be home to dust mites or other things that could increase your tendency to sneeze.